February 12, 2017February 12, 2017
Red Light Therapy Benefits, Research & Mechanism of Action

Through emitting red, low-light wavelengths through the skin, red light therapy helps naturally jump-start the process of tissue recovery and other forms of rejuvenation through increased blood flow, collagen stimulation and more. 2010 marked the 50th anniversary for medical laser treatments like red light therapy, providing a host of evidence on their benefits. (1) If you’ve never heard of red light therapy before, you might already be familiar with other terms that are used to describe this treatment, such as low level laser therapy (LLLT), biostimulation (BIOS), photonic stimulation or simply light box therapy. Red light is considered “low level” because it works...

November 14, 2016November 14, 2016
Women with high levels of vitamin D ‘are almost a third more likely to survive breast cancer’

WOMEN are almost a third more likely to survive breast cancer if they have high levels of vitamin D when diagnosed. US researchers followed 1,666 sufferers who provided samples within two months of diagnosis Researchers believe its benefit to breast cancer patients may be related to its role in promoting normal cell development and inhibiting the reproduction of cancer cells – effectively killing them off.   Previous research has shown that low levels of vitamin D among premenopausal women are associated with advanced tumours. They found women with the highest levels of vitamin D had a 30 per cent greater chance of survival A deficiency has...



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