October 30, 2016October 30, 2016
UV Light Even More Important For Older People

SUNLIGHT IS MORE A FRIEND THAN FOE FOR OLDER PEOPLE. By Marc Sorenson, Sunlight Institute Dr. Richard Weller, “enlightened” dermatologist, continues to dispel the myths regarding sunlight exposure. He and his colleague, Dr. Wright, recently published a paper that promotes sunlight for older people.[i] In it, they make several important points: “Intermittent sun exposure is a risk factor for the more dangerous melanoma but chronic sun exposure and outdoor occupation may be protective.” “Public health advice has tended to concentrate on the dangers of sun exposure despite the absence of any data that increased sun exposure correlates with raised all-cause mortality.” “Inadequate...

October 19, 2011October 19, 2011
Could the sun be good for your heart?

Our bodies get Vitamin D from the sun, but as dermatologist Richard Weller suggests, sunlight may confer another surprising benefit too. New research by his team shows that nitric oxide, a chemical transmitter stored in huge reserves in the skin, can be released by UV light, to great benefit for blood pressure and the cardiovascular system. What does it mean? Well, it might begin to explain why Scots get sick more than Australians ...   Transcript: 0:11 So, before I became a dermatologist, I started in general medicine, as most dermatologists do in Britain. At the end of that time, I went off to...



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